Welcome to Jersey Jewels
The Island’s bellydance club
About the club
Jersey Jewels began in 1996 when a group of friends saw a bellydance show, fell in love and decided that they wanted to learn this beautiful dance for themselves.
What started out as a ‘self-help group’ learning moves from videos blossomed into a vibrant club, with more adventurous members travelling as far afield as Egypt and Turkey, as well as closer to home in Germany and the UK, to study different styles and bring home the new moves they had learned.
As well as weekly classes, Jersey Jewels also hosts several events throughout the year. These include our informal bellydance parties (‘haflas’, as we call them), which provide a chance for those who want to perform to showcase their skills to family and friends. If you don’t want to perform, that’s fine – we need an audience too!
Our dance leaders give their time voluntarily, which means that we usually have the funds to bring professional tutors to the Island for a weekend workshop intensive at least once a year.
Over the years, Jewels members have been invited to give demonstrations to a number of local charities, Women’s Institutes and senior citizens’ groups including Ladies’ Day for the Jersey Women’s Refuge, the Jersey Alzheimer’s Association and the Grace Le Rossignol Friendship Group.